Severe weather poses several threats, including personal safety and expensive on-site equipment. The uncertainties posed by climate change lead to an increasingly higher frequency of weather risks.

Weather warnings can either be set according to standard thresholds, or you can determine your project-specific thresholds to trigger warning alerts.

We provide severe weather warnings for the following parameters:

  • Wind
  • Precipitation
  • Lightning
  • Snow and Ice
  • Extreme Temperatures

Weather alerts are essential for a wide range of industries, including:


Increase the safety and efficiency of your construction projects by minimising disruptions caused by severe weather conditions.


Weather warnings are invaluable to insurers so that customers can take preventative measures to avoid or mitigate potentially dangerous or damaging situations.


Severe weather warnings help mitigate the impact of potentially hazardous weather conditions to ensure public safety.


Outdoor events rely on warnings of weather hazards to avoid potentially dangerous weather situations.

For more information on our weather forecasting services, please telephone us on 01376 800000 or fill out the form below, and we'll get back to you within 24 hours.